Melissa Hill DeesAdventures in LlamaSite: My pandemic baby…In the last several months, I have been overjoyed to welcome so many new #babyblazers (as we call them in the #trailblazercommunity) to the…Dec 6, 2021Dec 6, 2021
Melissa Hill DeesAdventures in LlamaSiteLast week’s adventure was an opportunity to explore how LlamaSite might be able to help a group very near and dear to my heart: Dreamin…Dec 20, 2021Dec 20, 2021
Melissa Hill DeesAdventures in LlamaSite: How to handle proof of vaccinationIs your organization requiring proof of vaccination for COVID? If not, you have probably had to share your vaccination record somewhere…Jan 4, 2022Jan 4, 2022
Melissa Hill DeesAdventures in LlamaSite: More vaccination helpIn the quick adventure, How to Handle Proof of Vaccination, I outlined how you can leverage LlamaSite and Salesforce to gather vaccination…Jan 17, 2022Jan 17, 2022
Melissa Hill DeesAdventures in LlamaSite: AccessibilityAre you reading this with a screen reader? Have you ever struggled to read the information on a website? Do you have some other challenge…Feb 3, 2022Feb 3, 2022
Melissa Hill DeesAdventures in LlamaSite: A #foodforce Success StoryOnce upon a time…isn’t that the way every fairy tale starts? Once upon a time, the Salesforce #trailblazercommunity got together on a…May 5, 2022May 5, 2022